Thursday, April 28, 2011

Litterary Devices

Similies- "she was wearing a bathrobe, pajamas, socks, slippers, like whenever it happend, she hadent gone to bed yet"
metaphor- "People of Holcomb speak of their post office as "The federal Building' "
Imagry-"The bed covers were drawn back, and lying there, toward the foot of the bed, was a mess of cards spilling out of it"
Symbolism- The shot gun symbolizes death
Euphemism "people I knew murdered" instead of people I knew passed away
Ottomotopea- "WHAM"


SPEAKER- The main charectors are kind of quiet and live their lives nieve because they live in such a small town
OCCASION-Holcome, Kansas November 1959
AUDIENCE-The speaker assumes that teh reader knows absolutly nothing about the small town in Kansas or the people involved
PURPOSE-To tell the the reader the story of a small town story about violent murders
SUBJECT-Is a small town with a tragety